Sunday, July 17, 2011

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
EiT (Empress in Training) Kuroi Uchuujin of Taurns
"If you’re a strong female, you don’t need permission." -Lady Gaga, "SchiBe"
There’s another human concept that makes no sense to me. The entire idea of it sounds like a good one, and a fun one, but then the actual event is nothing like the idea.
Partying is odd.
I can’t seem to comprehend how it’s "fun" to drink alcohol until you’re sick and then make a complete fool out of yourself. Those who did this sort of thing on Taurns were worthless bums who mooched off the life supplies of their families and eventually killed themselves and their family from overexertion.
The only reason I know about this "partying" sport is because when I returned from my lunch break, Evan was talking about one he was attending tonight. He described it as a real nice sounding time, but later Allie explained to me what really went on at parties.
Now, why Evan continued to talk to me about these parties, I did not understand. He invited me, which did not make sense. We did not know each other on a personal level. When I asked Allie about this, she laughed and patted my head.
"He likes you," she said lightly.
"Why wouldn’t he like me, I did nothing to cross him, but I’ve also done nothing for him to believe we have a personal relationship," retorted confused.
She shrugged and played with one of my curls. "Maybe he wants a personal relationship."
Now I laughed. I’m an Empress. My suitors are chosen for me. Taurns’ greatest warriors, scholars, doctors will be brought to me on my, in human years, twenty-first birthday. That is almost three human years away.
"That is not possible."
"Why isn’t it?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest. I was taken aback. Why did human females always confront me? First the unhappy girl, then Briella, and now Allie. Why must they pursue with their questions instead of accepting what is said? Why must there be a reason?
"Because he is not a suitor," I blurted. I pinch my arm. "Suitor" is going to bring up another question.
"A suitor? Every guy is a suitor, Honey. Do you mean he’s not like you? Is that why you can’t date him?" She insisted.
"What is ‘date’? And yes," I said slowly, "we are from very different worlds."
I tried not to giggle at the blunt truth in my words.
Allie gave me a strange look and ruffled my hair, which I did not like. As I fixed my hair she took my hands and looked me dead in the eye. I could make out every shade of brown in her eyes as I stared back, trying to focus on what she was focusing on.
"You live in America now, Sweetheart, you can date anyone you want," she said.
"I still do not understand the word ‘date’," I replied, basically ignoring her words. She threw her arms in the air and scowled. Giving me another look that was much more serious, I could tell she was reading me.
"Wendy, where did you come from?" she asked me.
I froze. I always deflected the question, but in that moment I knew she wasn’t going to let me.
"It’s far away."
"What’s it’s name?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Wendy, tell me."
I looked around and saw a sticker that said "Canada or bust," so I looked at Allie and blurted, "Canada."
Now it was her turn to look taken aback. "Canada?"
Nodding, I heard Mr. Lee’s voice come over the intercom telling everyone the park was closing. Allie, who still had to shut down her roller coaster, opened her mouth then closed it.
"Okay," were her final words on the subject. As she walked off, I realized I still didn’t know what a ‘date’ was.
Once the park closed and the last of the employees headed home I emerged from my hiding place behind the Spinning Tops and walked over to the Looking Up At The Stars ride.
I always found it easier to just live in that park. At night I would leave it to get food, then do the same in the morning, arriving a few minutes before my shift to make it seem like I was actually coming from a home.
The air was crisp and it chilled my skin as my cooler began to warm my insides. The night sky seemed cloudy and gray, but it was a wonderful shade of gray. Or shades I should say. Each one lighter than the next, all swirled and twisted together into a fluffy clouds and rays of moonlight. A star or two peeked out from behind the clouds and winked at me, reminding me that I would be returning home soon.
I pulled out my C-Orb and activated it, dropping it front of me. A C-Orb makes it where I can make contact with Taurns. Only Emperors, Empresses, and their loyal advisors can use one.
As it bounced off the hard asphalt a light blue color surrounded the white ball and they both intermix. Soon they twisted into what looks like a strand of human DNA then flattened out into a snowy ice panel and lifts itself to my level.
The screen flickered to life as I placed my hand on the desired area and a shot of electricity leaves the screen, encircles my life supply ring, then returns to the screen. I pulled my arm back and stood firmly as Emperor Ruki’s dark inky face appeared on the floating screen.
"Empress," his deep voice boomed.
"Emperor," I replied, my voice monotone and sharp. With him I couldn’t show a weakness. I couldn’t cringe at his words. I couldn’t do anything except stand there like an empty shell. No emotion, no fear, nothing.
"Status report."
I took a deep breath before spilling everything he would want to hear.
"I found five workers who will return with me. Three of them work daily on the technological advances of this planet while the other two work on smaller machines, but they will still be of use to us."
He nodded. "Have you told them our intentions?"
I shook my head. "They do not realize that there are other worlds beside their own. They believe they are alone in this universe. For what they know about engineering and technology, they lack in cosmic science. It’s actually quite disheartening."
"How do you intend to get them to come then?"
Taking a another deep breath I explained. "All I have to do is get them into a secluded area, I’ll send the coordinates after this transmission, then there’s a gas I learned about that I can release and it’ll cause them to become unconscious. Then we just load them up in one of our Kuukan Tobus and fly them home. Simple."
"So when are you telling them about their mission? You seemed to have forgotten that part," Emperor Ruki snapped, his lavender eyes growing into the color of plums. His short, receding, silver hairline seemed frazzled. I couldn’t help but wonder how much of his life supply was left.
"I’ll explain some when I gather them tomorrow night, but I think we should wait to go into complete detail until they arrive on Taurns. Humans are known to panic and revolt, and well, I’m sure if I told them here on Earth," I trailed off. My mind flashed to being attacked by my co-workers. Any previous friendship I shared with any of them would be destroyed as their natural instincts kicked in.
"We should wait till they get to Taurns to fully explain what’s expected of them," I finish. My eyes re-locked with his and I saw them return to their normal color. Relief washed over me.
Emperor Ruki isn’t a pleasant person when his eyes darken. He’s ruthless, manipulative, cunning, and cruel. He hasn’t done much to save the Lutain crystals except send me away, which my most trusted advisor, and best friend, Shinyuu believes to be a conspiracy. She thinks the Taurns people can solve their own problems, Emperor Ruki just wanted me gone so he can rule longer, because I have completed all of my training. Then there’s also the fact that I turn to be eighteen human years in a matter of days when I get the throne.
"He just wants you gone so you’ll miss your Induction Day, or the people will get so weak, that he’ll convince you that he should remain in power. Kuroi, you can’t leave. Just send a warrior. They can do the same job and they’re not royalty," she had said all those days ago.
"Shinyuu," I laughed, "it’s my job at the empress to protect our planet. I should be the one to go."
Her golden eyes had lost their shine when I told her that and her normally straight golden hair seemed to gain a few waves.
"What is it?" I asked, pressing my Life Circle against her’s, fearing her life supply had already drained. I felt myself grow weaker as she grew stronger. This is a little trick I learned out in the Taurns streets. I saw an old man give his spouse the last of his life supply just so she could see one more star filled sky.
Shinyuu pushed my hand away from her’s, "Don’t do that. My life supply is fine, and you’re going to need all of your’s if you’re really going to leave."
"I have to leave," I whispered. "It’s my duty to you and everyone else."
And then to my complete displeasure, she shook her head and left without another word. She didn’t even show up to my departure. I missed her so much.
"Well then send the coordinates and I’ll handle the rest," emperor Ruki said, bringing me back from the past.
I nodded and waved my hand in front of the screen, making it close and retract back into it’s little ball. Stuffing it in my pocket, I pulled out the CT and typed in the coordinates of the Looking Up At The Stars ride.
The CT transformed into a star and shot from my hands into the sky, leaving a brilliant white tail behind for all this world to see.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't read this whole chapter or whole story, but i like the idea. Did you guys write this on your own? I love writing too. Can you go to my blog and post comments? Blog:
